To supply 120 volts aerial service for temporary service at construction sites, outdoor or street lighting. For service at 600 volts orlower at conductor temperatures not to exceed 75°C for polyethylene insulated conductors or 90°C for crosslinked polyethylene (XLP) insulated conductors.
To supply power from the utility’s lines to the consumer’s weatherhead. For service at 600 volts or less (phase to phase) at a conductor temperature of 75°C maximum for polyethylene insulation or 90°C maximum for crosslinked polyethylene (XLP) insulated conductors.
Used to supply 3 phase power, usually from a pole mounted transformer to the user’s service head where connection to the service entrance cable is made. To be used at voltages of 600 volts or less phase to phase and at conductor temperatures not to exceed 75°C for polyethylene insulated conductors or 90°C for crosslinked polyethylene (XLP) insulated conductors.
Conductors are concentrically stranded, compressed 1350-H19 aluminum. Insulated with either polyethylene or XLP crosslinked polyethylene. Neutral messengers are concentrically stranded 6201, AAC orACSR.
Service drop cable meets or exceeds the following ASTM specifications:
• B-230 Aluminum Wire, 1350-H19 for Electrical Purposes
• B-231 Aluminum Conductors, Concentric-Lay-Stranded
• B-232 Aluminum Conductors,Concentric-Lay-Stranded,
Coated Steel Reinforced (ACSR)
• B-399 Concentric-Lay-Stranded, 6201-T81 Aluminum AlloyConductors
• B-901 Compressed Round StrandedAluminum Conductors Using Single
Input Wire
• ANSI/ICEA S-76-474